Elizabeth Zhou


Product designer based in San Francisco.

Currently designing autonomous tools at Applied Intuition

Doing some fall cleaning 🍁 on my portfolio, but let’s be in touch!


🚙 Tools Development Platform / Applied Intuition
Designed and shipped features for core simulation and data products, notably Cloud Engine, Data Explorer and Workbench

Led navigation redesign of entire product suite (10+ products) to streamline cross-product workflows and establish a more cohesive platform.

Launched 0-to-1 initiatives including company intranet product and external customer issue management tool.

Work is under NDA – contact me to learn more

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Product Design, Interaction Design

🐲 Dragonfruit Design System / Applied Intuition
Established company’s design system “Dragonfruit” by defining new visual aesthetic, revamping core components and overhauling legacy components.

Defined quarterly projects to continue scaling the system and created resources to make it more self-serve and intuitive.  

Work is under NDA – contact me to learn more

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Product Design, UI Design

🎨 Values Posters / Applied Intuition
Designed and printed 9 posters reflecting the company’s values.

Exploration in translating Applied’s brand into print mediums, with a focus on emphasizing a clean, bold aesthetic.

View the series
Graphic / Visual Design, Print

🐴 Horsewarming / Dinner Party Menu
Co-hosted and designed a themed dinner party for 9, featuring a three course menu + drinks.

Menu was designed as a bi-fold brochure with a front and back cover.

View the menu 
Graphic / Visual Design, Print

🎒 Have A Great Summer (H.A.G.S) / Dinner Party Menu
Co-hosted and designed a themed dinner party for 12, featuring a five course menu + drinks.

Inspired by school yearbooks, the menu was designed as a multi-page booklet featuring guests’ baby photos and signing pages at the end.

View the menu 
Graphic / Visual Design, Print

👟 A Leap of Faith into Design / Innovative Design RGB 2022
Opening keynote speaker for Innovative Design's Spring 2022 Reach, Grow, Build conference.

Gave a talk to Berkeley students about my journey into design and the lessons I've learned thus far post-college.

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Speaking Event

🖍 Reach, Grow, Build / Innovative Design RGB 2018
Reach, Grow, Build (RGB) is a design speaker series that I co-planned and organized on behalf of Innovative Design, UC Berkeley’s creative agency providing pro-bono services and design education resources.

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Event Planning
